Friday, August 13, 2010

Is EaterSF turning into PETA?

Recently, EaterSF (the San Francisco Blog that keeps us up to date on restaurant openings/closing and when chefs move to a different restaurant) posted that The French Laundry was serving Bluefin tuna (which is considered an endangered species). Within days, EaterSF posted an update saying that TFL removed it from the menu and released statements through their PR people. And that prompted me to e-mail this to EaterSF:

I'm sure that a lot of people have weighed in on this subject, but I just wanted to add my voice to the din.

I think that it's abhorrent that EaterSF has taken such a political stance on this issue. More specifically, I'm offended that EaterSF is being used as a forum and a tool to exert pressure on restaurants to conform to your political agenda. If one, some, or all of the staff members at EaterSF feel strongly about a particular issue, that's fine. But I signed up to hear about restaurant openings and the movements of different chefs, not opinions on food ethics. It's a slippery slope, isn't it? What's next? Veal? Foie gras? Hydrogenated fats? GMO corn? Caviar?

To be clear: I am not trying to advocate a particular position on the Bluefin tuna debate. I am upset about EaterSF being used as a soapbox to pressure and influence
restaurants/chefs. I'm particularly disgusted with the sanctimonious relish of the abuse of power when I read, "That's right kids, in a matter of days, the lab-hatched wonder has been scrubbed..."

Thanks for listening, and keep up the otherwise great work.

-- Regards,