Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Perfect Moment

I've long held the belief that our memories are the most precious things we have in our lives. As I get older I try to live consciously in the moment, and this allows me to recognize the moments that future memories are being forged. The cognizance of living-in-the-moment applies to both good and bad times, happy and stressful times, moments of great fortune and of terrible luck -- indeed, my point is that my effort to live-in-the-moment applies all of the time!

On very rare occasions, I encounter what I like to call "a perfect moment." These perfect moments can be triggered by different things. Sometimes it's a defining moment in my life. Sometimes it's an epiphany of self-awareness that leads to a better understanding of myself and my life. And sometimes, it's just one of those moments of perfect happiness when it all comes together.

My birthday was this past Wednesday, and for dinner, Taylor took me to La Toque. The great service and exceptional food and wine makes La Toque one of our favorite places for our dinner dates. But equally important is the quiet and subdued experience that allows us to create a private and romantic cocoon for a few hours.

I had brought a bottle of 1996 Dom Perignon Rose as a back-up bottle of Champagne, but luckily there was Krug "Grande Cuvee" available on the wine list. Grande Cuvee is the Champagne that, in many ways, is a symbol of my relationship with Taylor -- and when I put my nose to this wine, it reminds me of her. Luxuriously, we took our time, and we finished most of the bottle of Champagne before we eventually ordered three courses each.

And then, while enjoying my second course... it happened. A perfect moment.

Yes, I was sitting at La Toque on my birthday, eating seared foie gras, drinking Krug "Grande Cuvee," and holding hands with Taylor -- but it was more than that. It was a moment in the shadow of the fact that I had overworked myself for six-weeks, helping to open a restaurant. It was the luxury and ritual of fine-dining that contrasted working at Brick and Bottle. It was the fact that I had previously worked at La Toque and felt comfortable and at home. It was the dim lighting that helped form that romantic cocoon. It was the soothing sound of Miles Davis in the background. It was the softness of Taylor's skin, the sound of her voice, and the smell of her hair. And it was the love that I felt for this woman.

Perfect, indeed.

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